How To

Fast, easy and simple process for free-of-charge access to equipment, tools and expertise

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Sign Up and Enquire

There is a simple sign-up page that allows you become a member of the EnABLES network. Members will receive specific information on EnABLES technologies, details about upcoming events and news.

From the sign-up page you can also make a more detailed enquiry, giving a brief description of your access interest. This important step will ensure that the specific technologies/facilities you require are available and that you are eligible before you go through the formal Access Application procedure.


Once a enquiry is submitted, you will have to fill an EnABLES Access Application Form for transnational access. This will outline the type of access you require and at which partner site. Application and selection is a rolling process. The Expert Committee will assess the technical feasibility of the proposal and make recommendations regarding the best suited EnABLES site/offering.

An independent external Selection Panel reviews your Access Application Form and the Panel decides if transnational access will be granted. The primary criterion for selection of a proposal will be scientific merit and impact of the expected outcomes but factors such as previous usage of the facility and availability of similar facilities in the users’ home country will also be taken into account.


Once Access is approved you will liaise directly with the Technical Point of Contact to organise access details such as schedule, visit(s), required training and IP agreements.

At the end of the access period you will complete a User Report outlining the project outputs and impacts. Reimbursement of travel/accommodation handled directly by each facility.

Energy Harvesting | Energy Storage | µPower Management | System Integration | Energy Harvesting Databases (Virtual Access)